Has COVID-19 upset your Wedding Plans? 5 Steps you should take NOW

Has COVID-19 upset your Wedding Plans? 5 Steps you should take NOW

Has COVID-19 upset your Wedding Plans? 5 Steps you should take NOW


The COVID-19 pandemic has just about affected in some way almost every single industry and disrupted international travel. This is all bad news for couples who hoped to have their wedding in an exotic paradise. Although with all the suffering that COVID-19 has caused, it might seem that something like a cancelled event is very small in the grand scheme of things… at Roatan Events we understand what you’re going through. You’ve been planning this wedding for a long time and possibly dreamed about it for longer. But fret not! We’ve put together a guide of what you can do if your wedding plans have been disrupted by these uncertain times. Hint: You DON’T Need to cancel your wedding! 


Talk to your Wedding Planner ASAP

In COVID-19 times, your wedding planner will certainly be your best ally to find a way to keep or even improve the wedding you dreamed of. Your wedding planner is in this with you. As you’re confidante and someone who has been there with you from the start, your wedding planner can lend an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on as well as some advice. She will be able to give you an idea of how things look like from an industry perspective and point you towards a potential day to reschedule your wedding. Yes, you don’t need to cancel because of COVID-19 and throw away all your effort, you can work with your wedding planner to find a new date and enlist her help to talk with all the relevant parties. If you don’t have a wedding planner, you can also find a friend that can help you look at things from a different perspective. 


Reach out to your Suppliers

Once you and your wedding planner have discussed potential new dates, it’s time to start reaching out to suppliers and other vendors. Your wedding planner will most likely handle everything at this point, but be on top and make sure all possible suppliers are carried through to the new date. Most vendors understand the current situation and will most likely do their best to be flexible. This will certainly take some time and require patience, but your wedding planner will be there with you to walk through this. If you’re on your own, make sure to reach out to each one of them as soon as possible with the new date to avoid problems and negotiate to keep your vision as intact as possible.


Notify Your Guests

Once you’ve spoken with your wedding vendors and suppliers, start sending out cards or emails to your guests to notify them of the change. Your guests are also under considerable stress given the current situation, so this should be done sooner rather than later to ensure they are able to adjust their travel plans to a new date. Most likely their own bookings are having problems, so if you’re working with a wedding planner, also make her aware of any issues related to your guests. She will most likely be able to give you a hand with this as well. Make sure to explain the situation and the reasoning behind your decision to your guests so they can also feel secure about the new plans. Remember these uncertain times are affecting everyone!


Reimagine your Wedding

Lockdown can actually be the perfect time to let your creativity flow! You can take this extra time that you may have in your hands to rethink your choices, to find new sources of inspiration and to completely reimagine your wedding! It can actually be a very exciting time, especially if you and your partner hadn’t had enough time to discuss through everything, this can be the right moment to do this together. Your wedding planner can also assist you in this case by providing you with additional inspirational or to discuss any new ideas that you may have in mind. She can also help you find new suppliers for these new ideas.


Keep a Positive Mind

Above all, keep your head high and a positive attitude. COVID-19 hasn’t stolen your wedding and certainly don’t allow it to spoil your plans completely. We know, lockdown and social distancing don’t make this easy, but if we keep a positive attitude, we’ll be able to make better decisions and have clearer judgement, something crucial in this moment. Let’s find a silver lining in this current situation! Your destination will still be waiting for you and your loved ones after lockdown, so don’t give up on your dream wedding!


Rethinking your wedding? Don’t hesitate in reaching out to us, we can help you organize your own wedding in paradise after these uncertain time are over! Click here to get your FREE quote today!

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