Bad Weather in Roatan? Here’s what to do

Bad Weather in Roatan? Here’s what to do

There are no unforeseen events, only bad planning. Like any island in the Caribbean, Roatan is not immune to bad weather. The island can have heavy rain, and storms. The good news is, we can plan for that. A good wedding planner from the island will be able to guide you through bad weather and beyond, but below we share some tips to navigate the whims of the weather when your Roatan wedding is coming up.

Avoid the Rainy Season

Roatan’s rainy season lasts from the month of October until roughly the end of January. It is advisable to avoid these particular months in order to minimize the chances of having any rain spoil your wedding. Hurricane season also runs from late June to November. While hurricanes are rare events, it is something that is worth keeping in mind while booking a wedding, cruise or party around these dates. If you happen to have an event around this time, there are still some precautions that can be taken.

Take your Wedding Indoors

Something that we recommend our clients when they book during these dates is to choose venues that offer a backup space that offers coverage from the rain. This provides a quick and straightforward solution to any issues caused by unforeseen bad weather. With a backup space, you’re able to move your reception and ceremony without disrupting dates. This gives you plenty of time to wait for the rain to be over and have photographs in your desired spaces.

Be Flexible

If worse comes to worst and some serious weather hits the island, then the key advice that we give to customers, as much as we dislike it, is to be flexible. Flexible in terms of either venue or dates. If you have booked a venue without any rainproof space, then one option is to change venues for one that can offer a space to have your ceremony and reception come rain or wind. The least popular, but sometimes necessary option, is to be flexible in terms of dates. If really bad weather is coming up, you can consider moving your wedding date one or two weeks into the future to create as little disruption as possible to your guests. In both cases, do your best to speak with your wedding planner in a timely manner to ensure as little extra costs as possible. Most costs associated to your venue will likely not be affected, but other like venue booking may have some affectations.

All in all, rest assured that our island, Roatan, is not known for bad weather, and that when it comes, our team at Roatan Events is ready to make your wedding or event happen. If you’re interested in booking our services, you can get a Free quote here.

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